The heavens rejoice in motion, why should I
Abjure my so much lov'd variety.John Donne, Elegies, 17, Variety
The tests below constitute a series designed to assess your ability to discover rules governing discrete motion in the abstract.
Each test has 10 items. In each item, you will be given a sequence of grids with one grid missing. Each grid features two or more identical crosses. The crosses are assumed to change position from grid to grid according to simple rules. When two or more crosses overlap (i.e. occupy the same cell in the grid), they appear as a single cross. Your task is to produce the missing grid in the sequence.
These tests are an assessment of the ability to discover rules in an abstract domain, requiring perception and insight.
The item type found in these tests resembles several item types that are somewhat rare on professional intelligence tests, all requiring the ability to uncover patterns in the abstract domain.