The Law of Vee (not "V", lest this law be confused by Romans with the unrelated law of 5, as expounded by the Discordians) states: that whose name begins with the twenty-second letter of the Latin alphabet is more often than can otherwise be explained in the shape of that letter. That is, words that begin with vee refer to vee-shaped things with notable frequency. Obviously, cases are excluded where the vee-shapedness of the thing has influenced its name.
Instances of this law can be divided into strong and weak types. Weak instances simply meet the law: a "vee" thing is also a vee-shaped thing. Strong instances have the vee-shaped "vee" thing constrasted with a non-vee-shaped non-"vee" thing. Thus, in a strong instance, the vee-shapedness of the former furnishes a mnemonic for distinguishing it from the latter. The first three examples below are strong instances.